Jack Roth, Parametric Pressure, 1980
Jack Roth, The Rich Perfume of Forgetfulness, 1980
Jack Roth, Metafour II, 1980
Jack Roth, New Synthesis #26, 1981
Jack Roth, New Synthesis #35, 1981
Jack Roth, Algarve - 4, 1982
Jack Roth, Ibid-D2, 1982
Jack Roth, Rope Dancer, 1980
Jack Roth, Rope Dancer #10, 1980
Jack Roth, Untitled, 1975
Jack Roth, Eve , 1982
Jack Roth, Rope Dancer, 1980
Jack Roth, Mirabile Dictu - 8, 1981
Jack Roth, Rope Dancer #11, 1980 Vendu
Jack Roth, Dance to the Music of Spring #23, 1981
Jack Roth, Untitled, 1964
Jack Roth, Dance to the Music of Spring, Montclair #25, 1981
Jack Roth, Dance to the Music of Spring, Montclair #12, 1981
Jack Roth Estate
Forthcoming exhibition